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Congratulations from foreign party leaders to 13th National Party Congress

2021-01-27 10:54
The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) officially opens in Hanoi on January 26. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI —  The Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee has sent a congratulatory message to the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Việt Nam, which officially kicked off on January 26.

It extended sentiments of brotherhood and its warmest greetings to the congress as well as all the CPV members and the Vietnamese people.

The Lao party spoke highly of the glorious success and great and comprehensive achievements of historical significance the Vietnamese people gained during the past struggle for national liberation as well as the current national construction and defence under the proper and creative leadership of the CPV, especially after the CPV launched and led the “Đổi Mới” (Renewal) cause 35 years ago and during the implementation of the resolution from the 12th National Congress of the CPV, contributing to maintaining political stability, social safety and order, and high economic growth in Việt Nam.

The role and prestige of Việt Nam have improved in the regional and global arena, the message says, noting that recently, the Party and State of Việt Nam successfully secured socio-economic development despite the impact of COVID-19 and severe natural disasters, which was hailed by the international community.

The achievements once again affirm the effective, proper, and creative leadership of the CPV while manifesting the determination and efforts of the Party and State and the rising up of the Vietnamese people with strength from national unity towards the goal of a strong nation, happy people, democracy, equality, and civilisation, the message reads. It underscores that these achievements are encouragement for the Party, State, and people of Laos in their cause of national defence, construction, and development.

This national congress of the CPV is a significant event for the Party, State, and people of Việt Nam, a milestone marking the strong growth of the revolution of Việt Nam in the new period in the direction of solidarity, democracy, discipline, creativeness, and development through the continuation of the strengthening of construction and purification of the Party and the whole political system to make it stronger, it says. The congress also promotes the desire and the great national unity bloc in combination with the power of the era, while speeding up the cause of renewal as well as the fast and sustainable development of the country and the firm safeguarding of the Fatherland, securing a peaceful and stable environment, thus striving to turn Việt Nam into a socialist-oriented developed country by the middle of the 21st century, it adds.

The message reads: “As a Party sharing the same roots and ideology, we affirm that however the regional and the world situation develops, we will continue to join hands with the Party, State, and people of Việt Nam to protect, maintain, reinforce, and develop the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive partnership between Laos and Việt Nam, which was initiated by President Hồ Chí Minh, President Kaysone Phomvihane, and President Suphanouvong, and nurtured over the decades with the sacrifice of generations of revolutionary leaders and soldiers as well as peoples from both nations, and has become a priceless treasure for the development of the two nations as well as a decisive factor in the success, fruitfulness, and efficiency of the revolution in each country, positively contributing to peace, stability, friendship, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

"On this great occasion, once again, we sincerely thank and express our deep gratitude towards the Party, State, and people of Việt Nam for their valuable, whole-hearted, effective, and timely support to the Party, State, and people of Laos during our past struggle for national independence as well as our national defence and construction today.

"We wish the 13th National Congress of the CPV great success.

"We would like to extend our warmest greetings to the CPV on the 91st founding anniversary of the Party. 

"May the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, States and peoples of Laos and Vietnam remain evergreen and stable for generations.”

Congratulations from the Cambodian People's Party

The Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) Central Committee has extended its congratulations to the ongoing 13th National Party of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV).

The CPP spoke highly of the Vietnamese Party, Government, and people for the great achievements they have recorded across different spheres in recent times under the sound leadership of the CPV, headed by General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng.

Notably, the successful implementation of the resolution adopted at the 12th National Party Congress has seen Việt Nam develop comprehensively, improved people’s living standards, and continuously raised the country’s position and prestige in the international arena.

“We are delighted at the development and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, Governments and peoples, which has been consolidated and enhanced intensively and extensively in the spirit of good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive co-operation, and long-lasting stability,” the message reads.

The CPP wished the 13th National Party Congress every success, and hoped that the solidarity, traditional friendship, and comprehensive cooperation between the two Parties, Governments, and peoples will prosper further.

CPC sends message of congratulations

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has also sent a message of congratulations.

The CPC Central Committee also extended its whole-hearted greetings to all Vietnamese Party members and people. 

The message says that since the 12th National Congress of the CPV, the CPV Central Committee has paid attention to intensifying Party building, leading Vietnamese people to many achievements in accelerating socialism building and reform. 

Given the impact of COVID-19, the CPV Central Committee has brought into full play its undaunted leadership to effectively combat the pandemic, maintain economic growth, and improve people’s living standards, demonstrating the superiority of socialism, the message says. 

“We really feel very happy about this,” it continues. 

It says the 13th National Congress of the CPV is an important congress as it is associated with the development in all spheres of the Vietnamese Party and State, and is a major event in the political life of the Vietnamese Party and people.

The congress is of significance as it will put forth development targets for the nation, as well as implementation plans to the centennial anniversary of the CPV and the centennial founding anniversary of Vietnam, opening up a new path to build Việt Nam into a modernised socialist country. 

The Chinese Party and Government attach importance to developing relations between the two Parties and nations, and stand ready to work together with the Vietnamese side to inherit and promote the time-honoured friendship that has been founded and cultivated by generations of leaders of the two countries under the motto “friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive co-operation, long-term stability, and looking forward to the future”, and in a spirit of “good neighbours, good friends, good comrades, and good partners”.

The two sides will also materialise important common perceptions reached by leaders of the two Parties and countries, and work to foster the Việt Nam-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, bringing more and greater interests to both nations and their peoples and actively contributing to peace, stability and prosperous development in the region, the message reads.

DPRK extends greetings

The Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) (KWP) on January 26 warmly congratulated the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV) and, through the congress, extended its greetings to all CPV members.

In a congratulatory message, the KWP Central Committee said it believes the 13th National Congress marks an important milestone in the drive to strengthen the CPV and develop a prosperous socialist Vietnam.

It also wished the congress great success with remarkable outcomes.

Cuba wishes 13th National Party Congress great success

The Communist Party of Cuba (PCC)’s Central Committee conveyed its warmest greetings to Việt Nam on January 26, saying it wishes the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV) great success.

“We have complete confidence that the documents and resolutions adopted by the congress will help further consolidate the building of socialism in Việt Nam,” the PCC Central Committee said in its congratulatory message.

Imbued with the teachings of President Fidel Castro, the PCC Central Committee recognises and highly values the CPV’s sound and wise leadership, with wisdom and persistence, in leading the heroic Vietnamese people to withstand the greatest of hardship and challenges and move forward on the path to victory.

The two countries will this year celebrate the 55th anniversary of the historic meeting between General Raul Castro Ruz and President Hồ Chí Minh, it says, adding that the friendly meeting strengthened the special bond between the two Parties and States and this has been passed down through the generations.

It also extended its sincere thanks to the CPV for its consistent support for Cuba, particularly in the country’s struggle against embargoes, and for its commitment to further deepen the exemplary brotherhood and cooperation between the two Parties and States.  — VNS

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