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National Assembly to elect new leaders

2021-03-15 18:54


NA General Secretary Nguyễn Hạnh Phúc presents a draft report on the performance of the 14th NA at the 54th session of the 14th NA Standing Committee on Monday. VNA/VNS Photo Trọng Đức

HÀ NỘI — Việt Nam will elect a new Chair, President and Prime Minister between March 24 and April 8, according to the General Secretary of the National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee Nguyễn Hạnh Phúc.

The election will take place during the coming session of the 14th National Assembly, which will last 12 days from March 24 until April 8.

The NA will dismiss incumbent National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân and incumbent State President Nguyễn Phú Trọng in the same period.

The NA will hold a secret ballot to allow incumbent Prime Minister Nguyễn Xuân Phúc to step down.

The 13th Communist Party Central Committee last January re-elected Trọng, 77, for a third term as Party General Secretary.

At the coming session, parliament members will dismiss and elect some other key appointments in the State apparatus, including vice president, chief justice of the Supreme People's Court, head of the Supreme People's Procuracy, some vice chairmen of the National Assembly, members of the NA Standing Committee, secretary general of the National Assembly and deputy prime ministers and other members of the Government.

Performance of the 14th NA

Despite facing a lot of challenges, the 14th National Assembly (NA) has always upheld its sense of responsibility and made utmost efforts to fulfil the tasks entrusted in it by the Party, voters and people, said NA General Secretary Nguyễn Hạnh Phúc.

He made the statement while presenting a draft report on the performance of the 14th NA and the NA Standing Committee at the 54th session of the 14th NA Standing Committee on Monday.

The 14th legislature inherited experience from previous tenures to perform well in its five-year tenure amid great changes in the world and the region, while the country’s position and strength have been greatly enhanced after 35 years of Đổi Mới (renewal), he said.

Under the leadership of the Party, the supervision of the voters and with its role as the highest representative organ of the people, the 14th NA has shown creativity, innovative in operation as well as flexibility and prudence, he said.

The decisions of the National Assembly come from the will and aspirations of the people, from the interests of the nation and the requirements of the country, creating positive changes in socio-economic life, national defence, security and external affairs. It contributes to promoting the renovation, construction and defence of the country.

The 14th NA has improved the quality of legislative work, forming a comprehensive legal basis for the country's development.

In the past 10 sessions during the tenure, the NA has passed 72 laws, two ordinances, and many resolutions containing legal norms.

Many resolutions bore breakthrough significance, creating the needed legal corridor for reforming the organisation of apparatus, stimulating socio-economic development and addressing shortcomings and obstacles.

Important trade agreements, international conventions and treaties have been ratified, contributing to finalising the legal framework, meeting the needs of integration, Phúc said.

During the 14th tenure, the legislature’s supervision work received due attention, producing high effectiveness that was appreciated by voters and the public.

Through supervision work, the NA has affirmed the correctness of policies and laws, continuing to promote good deeds, detecting shortcomings and proposing supplements to improve policies and laws as a basis for deciding important issues. It helped ensure discipline and helped agencies better perform their tasks as well as improve the efficiency of State management.

“Foreign activities of the National Assembly were implemented effectively, making an important contribution to the success of the external affairs of the Party and State, contributing to maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for national construction, defence and development of the country, raising the position of Việt Nam in the international arena,” he said.

The draft report also noted the 14th NA had a suitable model of organisation and continuously reformed its operational methods while ensuring the Party’s leadership and close bonds with voters as well as effective co-ordination with other agencies, which are factors helping it leave behind deep imprints.

Committee members agreed that the 14th tenure was a success, with missions assigned by the Party, voters and people excellently completed.

Also at the meeting, a draft report on the NA Standing Committee’s work in the 14th tenure and preparations for the NA’s 11th session were tabled for discussion.

The 11th session is slated to open on March 24 and end on April 8, Phúc said. Personnel matters will remain high on the agenda at the session.

Speaking at the opening of the 54th session of the NASC, NA Chairwoman Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân said the one-day meeting was to finalise preparations for the upcoming 11th meeting of the 14th legislature and collect opinions on the draft reports on working performance of the 14th NA and the NA Standing Committee and personnel work.

The outcomes of monitoring the settlement of voters’ suggestions sent to the NA’s 10th meeting and public opinions sent to the NA’s 11th meeting would also be mulled over.

She asked lawmakers to consider personnel work in a thorough and cautious manner, ensuring a high consensus will be reached at the 11th meeting regarding positions in the State apparatus.

The draft reports on the working performance of the 14th NA and the NA Standing Committee had earlier been sent to NA’s committees, the NA’s Ethnic Council and delegations of NA deputies for feedback. — VNS

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