vĐồng tin tức tài chính 365

Nomination of candidates for upcoming elections completed: official

2021-03-26 09:21


Chief of the National Election Council’s Office Nguyễn Hạnh Phúc speaks at the NA's 11th session in Hà Nội on Thursday. — VNA/VNS Photo Phương Hoa

HÀ NỘI — The nomination of candidates for the upcoming elections of deputies to the 15th National Assembly (NA) and all-level People’s Councils for the 2021-2026 tenure has been completed, Chief of the National Election Council (NEC)’s Office Nguyễn Hạnh Phúc told the 14th NA’s 11th session in Hà Nội on Thursday.

Since it was founded at the NA’s 9th session, the NEC has been preparing for the organisation of the legislative elections and providing instructions on the elections of deputies to People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term, in order to ensure they are conducted on schedule and in line with regulations of the existing laws, said Phúc, who is also Secretary General of the NA and Chairman of the NA’s Office.

The 21-member NEC has a chairperson and four vice chairpersons.

The NEC adopted a resolution specifying the number and list of constituencies and the number of legislators to be elected in each constituency of provinces and cities, he noted, adding that the selection of candidates proceeded with caution and was in accordance with regulations.

At related consultative conferences, attention was paid to increasing the number of female, young, non-Party, and ethnic minority candidates and those with excellent professional backgrounds, he noted.

Held on March 19, the second consultative conference reached an agreement on a preliminary list of candidates nominated for the upcoming elections, which are scheduled to take place in May.

The number of candidates running for seats in the legislature now stands at 1,084, which is 2.17 times higher than the number of deputies to be elected. They include 205 candidates nominated by central agencies, 803 by local organisations and units, and 76 who were self-nominated.

A third consultative conference will be held to provide a shortlist of eligible candidates for the elections of deputies to the 15th NA and all-level People’s Councils.

Court performance

The same day, lawmakers heard reports of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuracy for the 2016-21 tenure and a report examining them.

Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court Nguyễn Hoà Bình said during the tenure, courts handled over 2.43 million cases, over 2.36 million of them were dealt with, reaching 97.6 per cent, with the quality of hearings improved.

Up to 99.5 per cent of criminal cases were brought to court, without any wrong punishments.

The judgement of corruption and economic cases has been appreciated by the Party, State and people.

As directed by the Central Steering Committee on Corruption Prevention and Control, courts dealt with 7,463 serious economic and corruption cases with over 14,500 defendants. They held trials in the spirit of judicial reform and publicised sentences on the electronic portal.

Procurator Director of the Supreme People’s Procuracy Lê Minh Trí said he directed the sector seriously and effectively follow the Party policies on judicial reform, corruption prevention and control; and the Party and NA’s requirements regarding the fight against crimes and legal violations.

The sector also took synchronous and effective measures to prevent wrong punishments. Important targets assigned by the legislature were also met and surpassed.

According to Trí, nearly VNĐ80 trillion (US$3.33 billion) in corruption cases were reclaimed.

He proposed the NA pay further attention to building mechanisms and measures to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the sector’s right to prosecution and control of judicial activities, as well as provide support for its officers.

The legislators also listened to a report reviewing the performance of the State Audit Office of Việt Nam during the 2016-21 tenure, a report summarising opinions and petitions sent by voters and people to the NA’s 11th session, and another report on the results of supervising the settlement of voters’ suggestions sent to the 10th session.

Later the same day, lawmakers discussed in groups the draft report on performance of the 14th NA, the NA Standing Committee, the NA Ethnic Council and the NA committees, as well as working reports of the State President and Government for the 2016-2021 tenure. — VNS

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