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President asks public security forces to tighten national security safeguard

2021-07-12 17:48


President Nguyễn Xuân Phúc awards the First-class Fatherland Defence Order to the People's Security force at the 75th anniversary of the traditional day of the people’s public security forces on Monday. VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — State President Nguyễn Xuân Phúc has asked the public security forces to spare no efforts in firmly safeguarding national security under any circumstances.

On the 75th anniversary of the traditional day of the people’s public security forces on Monday, Phúc stressed that the people's public security has always been a key role for the armed forces and a core force to protect the Party and State, the people and the socialist regime.

In his speech, Deputy Minister of Public Security, Lieutenant General Lương Tam Quang, said on July 12, 1946, the People's Security Force had a particularly outstanding victory when it discovered and destroyed an organisation acting against the revolution at No 7 Ôn Như Hầu Street (now Nguyễn Gia Thiều Street) in Hà Nội. This prevented a coup by the Vietnam Nationalist Party and the French colonialists and helped to protect the revolutionary government.

The victory had great significance in the fight for national independence under the leadership of the Party and President Hồ Chí Minh. It was also an important historical milestone of the People's Security Force and, as a result, July 12, 1946 was identified as the traditional day of the People's Security Force.

Quang stressed that after 75 years of fighting and building national security, the public security forces are still absolutely loyal to the Party and the Fatherland under all circumstances, including foiling all sabotage plots and activities of reactionary hostile forces, and accomplishing the task of protecting national security.

He also said the entire force maintained their pure revolutionary qualities, including their ingenious and courageous spirit, and make a great contribution to the Party and the whole country. They will continue upholding their glorious heroic tradition, keep striving to overcome difficulties and challenges, and stay ready to make sacrifices for the cause of protecting national security.

Speaking at the ceremony, Phúc said the security forces must always uphold the principles of ensuring the absolute leadership of the Party and the unified management of the Government.

The public security forces need to strictly and effectively implement the Party's guidelines and the State's policies and laws on national security protection.

Phúc suggested the public security forces be more proactive in security protection, prevent risks and other factors that can cause instability.

On this occasion, on behalf of Party and State leaders, Phúc awarded the First-class Fatherland Defense Order to the People's Security Force. VNS


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