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NA Standing Committee opens last meeting in 14th tenure

2021-07-12 18:59


National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ delivers the opening speech at the 58th session of the National Assembly Standing Committee. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — The incumbent 14th tenure National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee on Monday commenced its 58th meeting, the last session before the new parliament convenes next week.

At the meeting, Chairman of the National Assembly Vương Đình Huệ said this session is also the last for the Standing Committee to review the preparatory works for the first session of the 15th tenure NA.

In addition, the NA Standing Committee will also give opinions on the draft resolution on settling financial issues for the Việt Nam Oil and Gas Group when paying the price offset in the offtake agreement for Nghi Sơn Refining and Petrochemical Project.

Emphasising that this session has many important items on the agenda, with only two working days, Huệ requested the Standing Committee focus on giving opinions in a spirit of urgency and thoroughness to complete the reports.

There is not much time left until the opening of the first session of the 15th National Assembly, and with many deputies participating in the parliament for the first time ever, it is necessary to complete documents soon to send them to the deputies to review and study before the meeting to ensure the quality of the session.

In the afternoon, the committee’s members gave their opinions on the drafts of the socio-economic plan for 2021-25, the financial plan for the period, the plan for public debt borrowing and payment, and the middle-term public investment plan.

Earlier in the morning, the National Election Council (NEC) discussed and adopted a resolution certifying the eligibility of 499 winners in the 15th National Assembly election during its eighth meeting.

The NA Standing Committee will listen to the eligibility reports, including dossiers of NA deputies and documents on the settlement of complaints and denunciations regarding deputies, and the reports will also be presented at the opening session of the 15th NA.

The committee will also discuss investment policies for the national target programme on building new-style rural areas for 2021-2025 and for the national target programme on sustainable poverty reduction and social welfare in the next five years.

The meeting is slated to end on Wednesday morning. — VNS

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