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Việt Nam calls on Sudan, South Sudan to exert stronger efforts in dealing with Abyei issue

2021-10-28 13:05


Ambassador Phạm Hải Anh, Charge D'Affaires ad interim of Việt Nam to the UN. — Photo from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

NEW YORK — The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on October 27 held a meeting about the situation in Abyei, a disputed area between the Sudan and South Sudan, and operations of the UN Interim Mission in Abyei (UNISFA).

Addressing the event, Ambassador Phạm Hải Anh, Charge D'Affaires ad interim of Việt Nam to the UN, recognised the improvements made in bilateral relations between the Sudan and South Sudan, and called on both sides to soon resolve the issue through peaceful means, in accordance with international law and the UN Charter.

Expressing concerns about the recent challenges facing the UNISFA, the ambassador urged all relevant sides, including Sudan and South Sudan to effectively ensure the safety and security of UN personnel and create favourable conditions for UNISFA to carry out its mandate effectively.

He praised the efforts of the UN, UNISFA, organisations as well as neighbouring countries and international partners for their engagement with the relevant sides to find a peaceful solution to the Abyei issue and resolve the ongoing challenges related to UNISFA.

Việt Nam supports the renewal of UNISFA's mandate, as recommended by Secretary-General and will engage actively with Council Members in the upcoming discussions, he said.

Participants recognised the improvements made in the relationship between Sudan and South Sudan over the years as well as efforts to resume dialogue about Abyei. However, they also raised concerns about the slow progress of the settlement of the Abyei issue as well as difficulties facing UNISFA. They reaffirmed support for the mission and called on Sudan and South Sudan to quickly seek peaceful solutions to the Abyei issue and create favourable conditions for the mission to implement its tasks in a full and effective manner.

During the session, the UNSC adopted a Presidential Statement on South Sudan.

Syrian-led political solution

On the same day, Ambassador Anh, also affirmed his support for a Syrian‑led and Syrian‑owned political solution during a UN Security Council (UNSC) meeting on Syria situation.

The meeting was briefed by Geir Pedersen, UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, and Martin Griffiths, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

The Ambassador called on the parties concerned to engage in constructive dialogue and promote trust-building measures. 

Voicing concerns over the volatile security situation, economic crisis, and the complexity of COVID-19 in Syria, he called for the acceleration of cooperation for maintaining humanitarian response efforts and pushing for post-pandemic recovery in the country. — VNS

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