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Việt Nam committed to protect, promote universal values of human rights: Diplomat

2021-12-10 17:11


Deputy foreign minister Đặng Hoàng Giang. VNS/VNA Photo

HÀ NỘI — Việt Nam is committed to promoting universal values of human rights, deputy foreign minister Đặng Hoàng Giang told Vietnam News Agency during the International consultation workshop held Friday.

The forum was held to discuss Việt Nam's second draft voluntary midterm report on the implementation of Universal Periodic Review (UPR) third cycle recommendations.

The workshop, co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UN Development Programme in Việt Nam, took place on the occasion of the Human Rights Day (December 10), this year observed under the theme ‘Equality – Reducing inequalities, advancing human rights’.

The recommendations that Việt Nam had accepted during the third cycle reviews in 2019 were evident in efforts made during the COVID-19 pandemic, Giang said, quoting the Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính in saying that the most important thing is to how to “ensure that the nearly 100 million people would be well-fed and happy and that they enjoy a democratic, peaceful, safe life” and refraining from sacrificing social welfare or environment and climate goals in the pursuit of ‘raw’ economic development.

"Through our capacity and active engagement in multilateral discussions and mechanisms as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Việt Nam has showcased its wish for everyone in the world to be able to live in peace and stability and prosperity," Giang said.

He stressed that the report was purely voluntary, and conducted to review and evaluate the policies and most importantly, how Việt Nam had implemented these policies, "to find out what we can do better, what adjustments can be made, all for the ultimate goal of guaranteeing that the people are protected, respected, and have the rights to live, study, and access to social welfare services".

He said that in this review process, Việt Nam would take into account inputs and consultation from international partners and Prime Minister himself had asked all State agencies to contribute for a thorough, comprehensive report which contains recommendations to the Party and State on upholding human rights.

The diplomat also noted that Việt Nam had been selected among the ASEAN member countries to run for a seat on the next tenure of the UN Human Rights Council in 2023-25, which demonstrated Việt Nam’s international commitment to making proactive, helpful contributions to global affairs, and its willingness to be a responsible and trusted partner in the international community.

"The fact that ASEAN has agreed unanimously to our candidacy for the Human Rights Council is also evidence of ASEAN's respect for Việt Nam’s contributions in the past and confidence in our contributions in the future," he said.

Besides ASEAN, Giang believed there would be many more countries and groups of countries that would also support Việt Nam’s candidacy for the Human Rights Council.

"Việt Nam has made commitments with the international community on its utmost efforts to protect and promote the universal values of human rights, and further advance efforts by UN and its mechanisms in the protection of humans in the entire world," the official said. — VNS

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