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Vietnamese National Assembly Chairman holds talks with Indian Lok Sabha Speaker

2021-12-17 07:43


NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (front row, fourth right) and Indian lower house speaker Om Birla at the talks in New Delhi on December 16 .VNA Photo Doãn Tấn

NEW DELHI - National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ held talks with Speaker of the Lok Sabha (House of Representatives) of India Om Birla on Thursday during his official visit to India.

At the talks, the Indian lower house leader hailed the significance of NA Chairman Huệ’s visit as the two countries mark the 50th anniversary of their friendship and five years of their comprehensive strategic partnership.

He said the visit provided an opportunity for high-ranking leaders of the two countries to discuss measures to further deepen their multi-faceted relations.         

He affirmed that Việt Nam had a leading important role in India’s Act East Policy, and was a key partner in the Indo-Pacific vision of India.

The Vietnamese NA Chairman affirmed that Việt Nam always considers India a reliable close friend, and expressed his joy at the strong development of the five-year comprehensive strategic partnership in all fields, particularly politics-diplomacy, defence-security, trade, culture and people-to-people exchange.

He proposed that the two countries continue to work closely together to implement the plan of actions for 2021-2023, thus bringing practical benefits to the Governments and people of both countries.

Huệ took the occasion to thank India for its valuable support for Việt Nam in the COVID-19 fight, particularly the provision of medical supplies during the fourth wave of the pandemic in Việt Nam. He asked India to continue cooperating with Việt Nam in transferring vaccine production technology.         

The NA Chairman welcomed Indian enterprises’ investment in Việt Nam in fields of India’s strength such as manufacturing-processing, automobile support industry, information and communication technology, and energy and renewable energy.

He suggested that the law-making bodies of both countries bring into full play their role in promoting bilateral ties, and enhance cooperation and experience sharing in building institutions and fine-tuning the legal system. He informed the host that the 15th National Assembly of Việt Nam had established a Vietnam-India Friendship Parliamentarians’ Group.       

The two legislative leaders agreed to coordinate to well organise practical and meaningful activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relationship in 2022.   

They assessed that defence-security cooperation continued to be among important pillars of the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership, which reflected the high level of trust between the two countries.

They showed joy at the rapid growth of bilateral trade at nearly 20 per cent a year over the past five years to top US$12 billion this year, towards the goal of $15 billion a year. They agreed to expand cooperation in such fields as energy, science-technology, sustainable development, green economy and climate change response.

The two sides shared the need to early resume direct air services between the two countries and recognise each other’s vaccine passports in order to enhance exchanges between their people. They discussed measures to strengthen ties in culture, tourism, people to people exchange, natural resources and the environment, justice and finance.

The two legislative leaders showed delight at the close coordination and mutual support between the two countries at regional and international forums, UN agencies, the Non-aligned Movement and the UN Security Council, especially in 2021 when both countries are non-permanent members of the UN Security Council.

They affirmed the importance of maintaining peace, stability, security, and maritime and aviation safety and freedom in the East Sea, while reiterating support for promoting dialogue, trust building, self-restraint, and the settlement of disputes by peaceful means on the basis of international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

They also proposed increasing cooperative activities between the two parliaments in both bilateral framework and multilateral forums.

NA Chairman Huệ invited the Speaker of the Lok Sabha of India to visit Việt Nam at a convenient time, and the latter accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Earlier the same day, NA Chairman Huệ and the Vietnamese NA delegation visited the Parliament House and the Ho Chi Minh Marg in New Delhi. They also laid flowers in tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at the Raj Ghat Memorial. VNA/VNS

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