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Promoting strength, will of nation: Top leader says in interview to VNA

2021-02-12 19:46


Party General Secretary and State President Nguyễn Phú Trọng. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — Party General Secretary and State President Nguyễn Phú Trọng has granted an interview to the Vietnam News Agency on the occasion of the Lunar New Year – 2021.

The top leader expressed his joy at the success of the 13th National Party Congress, which has defined the orientation and tasks for national development in the next five years, goals to 2030 (when the Party marks its centenary anniversary) and a vision to 2045 (when the country celebrates its 100th founding anniversary.

The congress also elected a new Party Central Committee with members representing the entire Party in qualification, capacity, prestige and the will to take the country into a new phase of development, he said.

The Party leader stressed that the result of the congress reflects a high consensus and the crystalisation of the wisdom, dedication, responsibility and will of the entire Party, people and armed forces with a resolve to achieve stronger development in the next period.

According to him, the atmosphere at the congress demonstrated the spirit of democracy, discipline, solidarity and renewal.

Trong said the congress’s success is firstly attributable to a meticulous preparation process and detailed plans that combined skillfully theory and reality, firmness and renewal, inheritance and development on the basis of widespread democracy.

The success also inherits the outcomes of previous tenures on the firm foundation of the outstanding achievements of the 12th tenure and historical accomplishments of the 35-year Doi Moi (renewal) cause, the Party and State leader said, emphasizing that Vietnam has never had such a great fortune, potential, and international stature and prestige like it has at present.

“Policies and decisions made at the 13th Congress inherit and develop the sound guidelines of leadership of the Party through tenures, which suit the specific situation in Việt Nam in the new period, create a firm foundation for the country to develop faster and more sustainable towards the goal of becoming a developed country with modern industry by the 100th anniversary of the Party (2030) and a high-income developed country by the 100th anniversary of the country (2045),” he said.   

The Party General Secretary stated that in its history of more than 90 years, the Party has always paid attention to Party building and rectification work, considering this the “key” task and the decisive factor for every success of the cause of national construction and defence. 

He noted that personnel work is the “key of the key”, saying that “we must focus on building a contingent of cadres, especially those at strategic level, who have sufficient qualification, capability, prestige on a par with their mission, and uphold the responsibility of setting example of cadres and Party members.”

In the new period of the revolution, the situation is increasingly complicated and the tasks become heavier, it is a must to build a contingent of cadres who have both virtue and talent, with virtue being the basis, Trong said.

He went on to say that corruption prevention and control is one of the extremely important tasks in Party building and rectification work, adding that during the past term, the anti-corruption work has made strong progress, earning approval and appreciation of officials, Party members and people.

“However, this is a fierce and complex fight which does not allow subjectivity, complacency and hesitation,” he said, stressing the need to continue to press ahead with the work in a synchronous, drastic, regular and continuous manner with higher resolve and better efficiency.

With a high political determination, and the active and synchronous engagement of the whole political system and society, the anti-corruption work in the new term is sure to make stronger, more drastic and more efficient progress, the leader said.

He affirmed that corruption will surely be stopped and driven back, contributing to building a more transparent and stronger Party and State which meet the requirements of the revolutionary cause and people’s trust.

The Party leader made clear that the cornerstone guiding ideology for the entire Party, people and army is to stay steadfast with and apply and develop Marxism-Leninism and Hồ Chí Minh thoughts; remain steadfast with the goal of national independence and socialism, and in Party building principles; and ensure the highest national interests on the basis of basic principles of international law, equality and win-win cooperation in order to build and firmly safeguard the country.

“This is a matter of principle which is of vital significance to the country’s regime and is the firm foundation of the Party that no one is allowed to sway from,” he said.

The Party and State leader went on to say that in the country’s development strategy, the Party has defined the task of continuing to step up the renewal cause in a comprehensive and synchronous manner. 

Every policy must really base on the wish, legitimate rights and interests of the people, take the people’s happiness and sufficiency as the goal, rely on the people to build the Party, tighten the close bonds between the Party and people, strengthen and enhance people’s trust in the Party, State and the socialist regime, he said.

The Party General Secretary described the 13th tenure as an important milestone and turning point which serves as a prerequisite for the next terms to successfully realise the country’s strategic development goals to 2030, with a vision to 2045.

To that end, the 13th National Party Congress put forth 12 strategic orientations for national development, with the new highlights including developing human comprehensively, building an advanced Vietnamese culture imbued with national identity; creating a breakthrough in fundamental and comprehensive reform of education and training, developing high-quality human resources, and attracting and well using talents.

The Congress defined that the important driving force and resources of national development are to strongly inspire patriotism, the will of national self-reliance, the strength of great national solidarity and the will and determination to build a prosperous and happy country, Trọng said.

He noted the need to utilize the combined strength of the entire political system and the Vietnamese culture and people, make the best use of internal resources and mobilise external resources, of which internal resources, particularly human resources, are the most important. 

On the occasion of the Lunar New Year (Tết) festival, the top leader extended wishes of good health and happiness to all people and soldiers nationwide.

He expressed a belief that with correct orientations, the strength of the national unity bloc, the strong will to rise and high political resolve, the entire Party, people and army of Việt Nam will create new development miracles towards the goal of rich people, a strong country and a democratic, equitable and civilised society, firmly advancing to socialism and successfully realising the wish of the great President Hồ Chí Minh and the aspiration of the entire nation. — VNS


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