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Việt Nam vows to do its best as UNSC President in April

2021-04-02 07:38


Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Phạm Bình Minh. — VNA/VNS Photo 

HÀ NỘI — Việt Nam will strive to perform outstandingly as the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) President in April, contributing to realising the foreign policy set by the 13th National Party Congress, the country's top diplomat has said.

Politburo member, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Phạm Bình Minh made the statement in a recent article published to mark Việt Nam assuming the rotating UNSC Presidency for the second time during the 2020-2021 tenure.

“This is the first multilateral mission the country has taken on following the 13th National Party Congress, which has drawn up visions and major orientations and policies for national development, including the foreign policy in the new period,” Minh wrote.

Favourable conditions for further success

Việt Nam has joined the UNSC for the second time amid complex developments in the global situation, increasing competition between powers, conflicts and uncertainties occurring in many places worldwide, and COVID-19 spreading, according to the article.

However, the country has effectively implemented activities relating to the UNSC, completed the heavy workload in the first year of the tenure, and left its imprint on the UNSC – the most important UN body for maintaining international peace and security.

“This is the imprint and characteristics of the foreign policy of Việt Nam, a country that loves peace, opposes all forms of war and the use of force, upholds the UN Charter and observes international law,” Minh wrote.

Việt Nam has demonstrated its responsibility as a UNSC member that works to promote consensus and makes efforts to seek peaceful solutions to conflicts, he went on.

“We have persistently pursued the principles of independence, self-reliance, protecting national interests in harmony with the interests of the international community; made active, proactive, constructive and responsible contributions, and properly handled complicated issues in the UNSC agenda, while promoting Việt Nam’s efforts and experience in national reconstruction and development,” he wrote.

The Deputy PM and FM noted that Việt Nam has put forward many initiatives and played a core and leading role in several major matters.

While holding the UNSC Presidency for the first time in January 2020, Việt Nam chaired an open debate on upholding the UN Charter to maintain international peace and security, and the first-ever meeting on co-operation between the UN and the ASEAN, which combined the country’s dual role of UNSC non-permanent member and ASEAN Chair in 2020, helping enhance ASEAN’s solidarity and role, and strengthening connectivity between the regional grouping and the UN and the UNSC.

Việt Nam also hosted the International Conference on Women, Peace and Security with the participation of more than 400 delegates from nearly 90 countries and many international inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations. Countries supported and appreciated Việt Nam’s efforts and resolve to host such an event amidst the pandemic, and lauded the country’s leading role in building the Hanoi Action Commitment that promotes women’s role in peace processes. The document was co-sponsored by 75 countries and circulated as an official document of the UN.

The country has also made contributions to maintaining stability, reconstruction and peacebuilding through engaging in UN peacekeeping operations in South Sudan and the Central African Republic.

Vietnamese forces on the UN missions have worked professionally, and completed their tasks, receiving applause from the UN and the international community, and winning the love and trust of local residents, Minh noted.

Such achievements have contributed to maintaining and consolidating a peaceful, stable and favourable environment for national development, improving Việt Nam’s position in the international arena, and deepening ties between Việt Nam and major partners, combining bilateral and multilateral diplomacy, he wrote.

Successfully serving as UNSC President

Entering the second year of its tenure as a non-permanent member of the UNSC and acting as the council’s President for the second time in the tenure, Việt Nam is implementing the foreign policy set out by the 13th National Party Congress, bringing into play the pioneering role of diplomacy and promoting multilateral diplomacy and comprehensive and intensive international integration.

Minh stressed that the strategic orientations and new mindset about foreign relations, along with the successes in the first year of the UNSC membership, have provided a solid foundation for the country to perform better in the UNSC Presidency for the second time, in April 2021.

According to him, as the council’s President, Việt Nam will organise and chair about 30 UNSC meetings and represent the council in relations with non-UNSC member states, UN agencies, international organisations, and the press in a responsible manner, aiming to ensure objectivity and transparency, flexibly and harmoniously deal with and balance countries’ interest in discussed issues, while enhancing co-operation and consensus in the UNSC.

Việt Nam will promote the priorities and hallmark events that match its commitment to boosting “partnership for sustainable peace” during its membership. The country will seek sustainable solutions to conflicts, promote dialogue, resolve disputes by peaceful means, foster the role of regional organisations, put people at the centre, and promote humane policies towards vulnerable groups.

In that spirit, Việt Nam will chair three important events during the month of its UNSC Presidency.

The key event is a high-level open debate slated for April 19 on strengthening co-operation between the UN and regional organisations in promoting trust and dialogue in conflict prevention and settlement. This is a continuation of Việt Nam’s priority of fostering the role of regional organisations and also an occasion for the country to join other states to share experience and propose solutions to tighten links between the UN and regional organisations in handling global challenges as well as preventing and solving conflicts – an extremely practical topic that matches both Việt Nam’s interests and the expectations of the international community.

Việt Nam will hold a ministerial meeting on April 8 on settling bomb and landmine consequences and maintaining sustainable peace. As a country hit hard by bombs, landmines, and other explosives left behind from wars, Việt Nam will share experience and draw the UNSC’s attention to this issue. Together with other states, it will support humanitarianism and the need to reinforce international co-operation in settling UXO aftermath.

A ministerial-level open debate on the protection of facilities essential to people’s lives in armed conflicts will take place on April 27. Protecting civilians in armed conflicts, especially facilities essential to their life like food production and distribution facilities, water and power supply facilities, and hospitals, is an issue frequently discussed at the UNSC and many other multilateral mechanisms and forums.

Deputy PM and FM Minh concluded that with the high resolve to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, and with its growing strength, fortune, stature and prestige, Việt Nam firmly believes that it will successfully fulfil its role as UNSC President in April 2021. — VNS

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