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17th Party Congress of Hà Nội kicks off

2020-10-13 08:11


Party General Secretary and President Nguyễn Phú Trọng and Politburo member and Secretary of the Hà Nội Party Committee Vương Đình Huệ at the opening ceremony of the 17th Congress of Hà Nội’s Party organisation for the 2020-2025 tenure. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — The Hà Nội Party Committee needs to take steps suitable for each stage of the city’s growth and the overall development strategy of the country, Party General Secretary and President Nguyễn Phú Trọng has said.

Speaking at the 17th Congress of Hà Nội’s Party organisation for the 2020-2025 tenure that opened on Monday morning, Trọng said Hà Nội is the heart of Việt Nam, the country’s political and administrative centre, and a big hub for culture, science, education, economic activities and international transactions.

Trọng said the capital needs to take advantage of opportunities to mobilise integrated resources and especially the trust of Party members, cadres and employees in the construction and development of the city.

In his opening remarks, Politburo member and Secretary of the Hà Nội Party Committee Vương Đình Huệ said the 17th municipal Party Congress is a political event of special importance that attracts the attention of the Party Central Committee and people nationwide.

He added the Party organisation, administration and people of Hà Nội are determined to hold a successful congress, creating new momentum and fundamental improvements in all spheres so the capital will develop faster and more sustainably and live up to expectations of the Party Central Committee, the local Party organisation and populace, and people nationwide.

Regarding the plans of the city in the coming years, Trọng said the Party Committee, the government and the people need to be fully aware of the role of the Party Committee.

Based on the guidelines and resolutions of the central Government and the Politburo on the city’s socio-economic development achievements from 35 years of renewal, Hà Nội needs to clearly define key tasks and feasible solutions for the implementation of tasks, developing the city more quickly and sustainably.

The city needs to mobilise all resources to focus on rapid and sustainable economic development; improve the quality of planning management; pilot urban government organisation and strengthen rural government; and implement better urban management, especially in construction order, traffic safety, urban discipline and civilisation.

It also needs to expand relations with the capitals of other countries to expand foreign relations and enhance the status of the city in the international arena.

Trọng noted that the Hà Nội Party Committee needs to work closely with State management agencies, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organisations to strengthen the fight against corruption and waste in the coming years.

The 17th Congress of Hà Nội opened with the participation of 497 official delegates representing more than 450,000 Party members across the capital city.

Those attending the opening session included Party General Secretary and State President Nguyễn Phú Trọng, former Party General Secretary Nông Đức Mạnh, former President Trương Tấn Sang, National Assembly (NA) Chairwoman Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, and former NA Chairman Nguyễn Văn An.

Hà Nội targets rapid, sustainable development

Hà Nội should aim to develop rapidly and sustainably towards a green, smart, modern city with high competitiveness in the country and the region by 2025.

The target was set in a draft action programme on the implementation of the resolution of the 17th Congress of the municipal Party Organisation for the 2020-25 tenure, which was delivered at a preparatory session of the congress on Sunday.

Hà Nội will also work to improve the leadership and combat capacity of the municipal Party Committee and build a pure, strong and typical political system while completing the target of industrialisation.

Its per capita gross regional domestic product (GRDP) is hoped to climb to US$8,300-8,500 by 2025, $12,000-13,000 by 2030, and $36,000 by 2045, according to the draft action programme.

By 2045, the capital city is projected to have high living standards, comprehensive and sustainable socio-economic-cultural development and international competitiveness.

Chu Ngọc Anh, member of the Party Central Committee, Deputy Secretary of the municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the Hà Nội People’s Committee, said the resolution must be implemented synchronously, continuously and drastically.

Regarding the feedback on draft documents to be presented at the 13th National Party Congress, Nguyễn Văn Phong, head of the municipal Party Committee’s information and education board, said opinions have been collected from 2,360 Party organisations at different levels.

The draft documents have been prepared thoroughly, seriously and scientifically, according to the report collecting the opinions.

The 17th Congress of the municipal Party Organisation officially opened on October 12 and is scheduled to conclude a day later. — VNS

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