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Transport businesses reluctant to install cameras as deadline nears

2021-12-25 10:04
Installation of camera systems in vehicles. — VNA/VNS Photo 

HÀ NỘI — Over 200,000 public transport vehicles are required to install cameras by December 3, following a Government Decree to monitor drivers and passenger conduct. However, the number of vehicles equipped with cameras is still low.

Hà Nội Transerco has 150 vehicles that fall under the Government Decree, and the company has finished installing camera systems, according to its Director Đào Việt Dũng.

“After the cameras are installed, we still have to pay a monthly fee to repair and service them, as well as bandwidth fees,” said Dũng, “In these turbulent times, these are hefty costs and we wish that such burdens can be alleviated in the future”.

However, not many transport businesses have acted as quickly as Transerco. According to the Hà Nội  Department of Transport, only 6,062 transport companies with 11,032 vehicles have finished installation of cameras. This is just 32 per cent of the total number of transport vehicles in the city.

“Hà Nội is quicker than most parts of the country in adhering to the Decree,” said Đào Việt Long, deputy director of the Hà Nội Department of Transport.

Long said the number of cameras was still too low.

Some transportation businesses have asked the department to push back the deadline, “but our stance, as well as that of the Government and the Ministry of Transport is no more delays,” said Long.

In northern Bắc Ninh Province, the rate of vehicles with cameras installed varied from 30-60 per cent; while in northern Yên Bái Province, the number was lower, at 28 per cent. The local departments of transport argue that transport businesses have suffered losses during the pandemic, and paying for these camera systems will put a further toll on their finances.

The Directorate for Roads of Việt Nam (DRVN) has urged the local authorities of all 63 provinces and cities to finish camera installation by December 31, according to Đỗ Công Thủy, deputy director of the DRVN.

The DRVN also pushed enforcers to inspect vehicles and punish those that does not adhere to the rules.

The Việt Nam Automobile Transportation Association also called on its members to install cameras before the December 31 deadline. Members are also recommended to install cameras that pass the technical standard TCVN13396, with 4G technology.

“Businesses like to let grass grow under their feet,” said Phan Anh Tùng, director of Gisviet. “This is the same situation that happened before with blackbox installation. The demand for purchase and installation rises around 15 days before the deadline.”

The price for installation was around VNĐ10-12 million (US$436-523) at the beginning of the year, but has since dropped to VNĐ3-5 million. This drop is explained by an increase in suppliers, according to Director of Toàn Cầu Company Lê Đình Sơn.

Some transport departments have also allowed vehicles in operation to install cameras first, while vehicles being repaired or not in operation do not have to install.

“Authorities should be flexible with businesses. Our company allows partners to pay in instalments, and that flexibility has helped many companies,” said Sơn.

But vehicles should not wait any longer. The Vietnam Register reiterated that they will deny registration for any transport vehicles without cameras after December 31.

Deputy Prime Minister Lê Văn Thành also urged authorities to investigate and sanction vehicles and/or businesses that do not adhere to the regulations.

A 2019 Decree states that vehicles without camera systems are subject to fines up to VNĐ12 million if they enter traffic. — VNS

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