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Messages of congratulations extended to 13th National Party Congress

2021-01-29 14:58


The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Việt Nam is being held in Hà Nội from January 25 to February 2. — VNA/VNS Photo

HÀ NỘI — A large number of parties, organisations, diplomatic delegations, and friends around the world have extended congratulatory messages to the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Việt Nam (CPV), expressing their solidarity, friendship, and cooperation with the Vietnamese Party, State and people.

In its message, the Japanese Communist Party said the Vietnamese people’s heroic struggle for independence and freedom and that struggle’s historic victory considerably contributed to the building of peace in Asia and the world nowadays.

The Japanese Communist Party wished the CPV’s congress a great success so as to continue promoting the “Đổi mới” (Renewal) process, improving people’s living standards, building the country, and developing the economy and society.

Affirming that British communists always keep in mind the CPV’s role in the heroic fight for national independence and freedom, the Communist Party of Britain wrote in its message that Việt Nam, under the CPV’s leadership, has become an important force in the international arena.

Việt Nam’s support for countries and communist and fraternal parties has reflected the finest tradition of the international solidarity spirit, it added.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party of Greece noted the world’s people always admire the struggle for national liberation of Việt Nam under the CPV’s leadership, and that struggle has gone down in history as an epic of the era.

Wishing the CPV’s 13th National Congress a success, the Communist Party of Greece offered warm greetings to the communists, working class, and people of Vietnam, who represent the great heroism in their historic revolution.

For its part, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia noted under the CPV’s successful leadership, Việt Nam has developed strongly for the sake of the Vietnamese people.

The socio-economic development achievements and high international prestige of Vietnam, as a factor ensuring stability, peace, security, and cooperation in Southeast Asia, have proved the soundness of the path the CPV has chosen, the message read.

The 13th National Congress has also received congratulatory messages from the communist parties of Russia, France and India.

In its congratulatory message, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation the CPV is a pioneer of the Vietnamese nation, which has experienced hardships. It is a self-sacrificing example in the struggle for national freedom and the future of socialism. 

Under the CPV’s leadership, Việt Nam has posted outstanding achievements and become one of the most dynamic economies in the world, with high prestige in the international arena. 

The message of congratulations sent by the French Communist Party, meanwhile, described Việt Nam as a voice of peace and stability in the world at present. It vowed to work together with the country to build a world of justice, prosperity, and peace. 

The Communist Party of India wrote in its congratulatory message that the successful implementation of the “Doi moi” (Renewal) policy together with a series of economic and political reforms based on the socialist-orientated market economy has brought comprehensives successes to Việt Nam.

Việt Nam’s politico-social stability, and national defence and security have been strengthened while its positive contributions at regional and international forums have been highly evaluated by other nations, it said.

The Communist Party of India expressed its hope that the political results from the 13th National Party Congress will have a widespread impact on the development of socialism in Vietnam based on Marxism-Leninism and Hồ Chí Minh’s thought. 

The message from the Communist Party of India (Marxist) hailed Việt Nam as one of only a few countries globally to have successfully coped with the COVID-19 pandemic and the global economic crisis, manifesting the supremacy of socialism and the humanitarian nature of Marxism-Leninism.

As of January 26, the 13th National Party Congress had received 298 congratulatory letters and messages from 149 parties, six regional and international organisations, 93 friendship and people’s organisations, 25 diplomatic delegations, and 16 individuals from 92 countries.

The communist parties of Canada, the US, Jordan and Sri Lanka have also sent congratulatory messages.

The Communist Party of Canada hailed Việt Nam’s political and socio-economic progress, describing it as a source of inspiration for communists and the progressive people of Canada.

The leadership and achievements of the CPV have manifested the strength and vitality of the Party as well as the Vietnamese people, it said.

Meanwhile, the Communist Party USA highlighted that the international spirit of the CPV has risen beyond the region to the entire globe.

As a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, Việt Nam represented the voice of stability and peace in the world in 2020, read the message.

Meanwhile, the Jordanian Communist Party underlined that the things that make the preparations for the 13th National Congress of the CPV were the involvement of the entire Vietnamese people at home and abroad, showing the brainpower and desire of the whole Party and people of Việt Nam.

The Communist Party of Sri Lanka, for its part, noted that Việt Nam has become one of the fast growing countries in Asia with improved living conditions of local people and political stability as well as a rising position in the regional and world arenas. It attributed Vietnam’s successes to the exemplary leadership of the CPV. 

By January 26, the 13th National Party Congress had received 298 congratulatory letters and messages from 149 parties, six regional and international organisations, 93 friendship and people’s organisations, 25 diplomatic delegations, and 16 individuals from 92 countries. — VNS 

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