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NA Standing Committee approves administrative boundary’s adjustment of HN and 3 provinces

2021-04-28 08:13


National Assembly vice chairman Nguyễn Khắc Định chaired the session yesterday. VNA/VNS Photo Doãn Tấn

HÀ NỘI — The National Assembly Standing Committee yesterday morning decided to approve the establishment and adjustment of the administrative boundary of Hà Nội City and three provinces of Thanh Hóa, Đồng Nai and Tuyên Quang at the 55th session.

The session was chaired by National Assembly vice chairman Nguyễn Khắc Định.

Reporting at the session, Minister of Home Affairs Phạm Thị Thanh Trà said based on recommendations of the People’s Committee of Hà Nội, Thanh Hóa, Đồng Nai and Tuyên Quang, the Government sent a proposal to the NA Standing Committee to adjust the administrative boundary of eight residential groups in Bắc Nghĩa Tân Area, from Cổ Nhuế 1 Ward of Bắc Từ Liêm District to Nghĩa Tân Ward of Cầu Giấy District.

The Government also proposed to move the administrative boundary of the residential group No 28 from Mỹ Đình 2 Ward of Nam Từ Liêm District to Mai Dịch Ward, Cầu Giấy District.

The move aimed to fix shortcomings in administrative management, ensuring compliance with legal regulations after obtaining consensus of the people in the area, she said.

For Thanh Hóa Province, the Government submitted to upgrade two communes of Quý Lộc and Yên Lâm in Thanh Hóa Province’s Yên Định District to Quý Lộc Town and Yên Lâm Town.

The two towns were already planned to become centres of services, commerce, industry and construction materials combined with developing a supporting service for the local stone carving craft, she said.

The two communes belong to an important traffic hub that could promote socio-economic development in the north-west of Yên Định District with neighbouring districts.

For Đồng Nai Province, the Government proposed to upgrade Long Giao Commune of Đồng Nai Province’s Cẩm Mỹ District to Long Giao Town because the commune is now located in the centre of the district.

It is a junction connecting arterial roads in the region as well as the centre for the district’s socio-economic development.

For Tuyên Quang Province, it was proposed to move the administrative boundary of Phúc Sơn Commune and Minh Quang Commune from Chiêm Hóa District to Lâm Bình District.

The adjustment aimed to create favourable conditions for the administrative management of the locality, she said.

Additionally, the Government also submitted to upgrade Lăng Can Commune to Lăng Can Town in Lâm Bình District as well as upgrade Yên Sơn District to Yên Sơn Town to create the driving force for socio-economic development in the  districts, she said.

Speaking at the session, Chairman of the NA Committee for Legal Affairs Hoàng Thanh Tùng said the committee approved the establishment and adjustment of the administrative boundary of Hà Nội City and three provinces of Thanh Hóa, Đồng Nai and Tuyên Quang.

The committee asked the National Assembly Standing Committee to promulgate the resolution on the establishment and adjustment of the administrative boundary of Hà Nội City and three provinces of Thanh Hóa, Đồng Nai and Tuyên Quang in accordance with the Government’s explanatory reports, he said.

The valid time for the resolution should be July 1. Based on the valid time, relevant agencies and localities would have enough time to adjust related administrative procedures for the operation of the new administrative units and not affect the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People's Council at all levels for the 2021-26 tenure, he said.

National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ said this was the first regular session of the National Assembly Standing Committee after the committee’s personnel affairs were finished.

At the 55th session, which took place on one day, the committee also considered the adjustment of the administrative boundary to expand Huế City; the use of capital of Resolution No. 324/NQ-UBTVQH14 to build Vietnamese representative agencies abroad in the period of 2021-25; the plan to use the remaining of the State budget in 2020; as well as the additional fund to buy vaccines, antiseptic chemicals and seeds. —VNS


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