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NA Chairman runs nationwide teleconference on election work

2021-07-16 10:09


A nationwide teleconference was held on Thursday in Hà Nội to review the elections of deputies to the 15th legislature and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-26 tenure. — VNA/VNS Photo Doãn Tấn

HÀ NỘI — National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ chaired a nationwide teleconference in Hà Nội yesterday reviewing the elections of deputies to the 15th legislature and People’s Councils for the 2021-26 tenure held in late May.

In his opening speech, Huệ, who is also Chairman of the National Election Council (NEC), described the election as a significant political event that took place in a democratic and fair manner in line with the law, ensuring safety and thriftiness.

It was really a great festival for the nation’s people, he said.

The event was held at a time when the country marked 75 years of independence and 35 years of renovation with important achievements of historical significance.

The entire Party, army and people are striving to bring the Resolution by the 13th National Party Congress into life, carry out the 2021-25 socio-economic development tasks and build a law-governed socialist State of the people, by the people and for the people, he said, adding that public trust on the Party and State has been consolidated, laying a solid foundation for the country’s rapid and sustainable development.

According to Huệ, the election was prepared thoroughly, professionally and flexibly from the central to local level on the basis of upholding people’s right to mastery, ensuring favourable conditions for every citizen to fully exercise their rights.

The largest-scale election recorded nearly 70 million votes in 84,767 voting areas. Voters chose qualified representatives with moral virtue and wisdom out of about 450,000 candidates. Turnout reached up to 99.6 per cent despite the resurgence of COVID-19 outbreaks.

Denunciations and complaints were also at only 18 per cent of the amount in previous elections, and many localities used innovative measures like early voting and election drills to ensure COVID-19-safe elections, the top legislator noted.

Now, it’s important to prepare for the upcoming first session of the new parliament with 499 lawmakers, which will deliberate the leadership personnel issues and development plans for the next five years, Huệ added.

Representatives from the NEC, the Government and the Việt Nam Fatherland Front Central Committee presented reports reviewing the election work and pointing out shortcomings that must be addressed in the next elections. — VNS

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