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Birth centenary of late NA leader, establishment of Từ Sơn City announced

2021-11-02 03:11


National Assembly Chairman Vương Đình Huệ (right) presents the NA Standing Committee's Resolution on the establishment of Từ Sơn City under Bắc Ninh Province to the province's leadership in a ceremony on Sunday.  — VNA/VNS Photo

BẮC NINH — A ceremony was held in the northern province of Bắc Ninh on Sunday to mark the 100th birth anniversary of Lê Quang Đạo, late Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) and Vice Chairman of the State Council, and the establishment of Từ Sơn City.

Lê Quang Đạo, real name Nguyễn Đức Nguyên, was born on August 8, 1921 in Đình Bảng Commune, now Đình Bảng Ward of Từ Sơn City (Bắc Ninh Province).

He was elected Chairman of the NA and Vice Chairman of the State Council at the 8th-tenure parliament (1987-92) - the first parliamentary tenure of the đổi mới (Renewal) period. He was appointed as Secretary of the Party delegation of the Việt Nam Fatherland Front in 1993 and President of the Presidium of the Việt Nam Fatherland Front Central Committee in 1994.

Highlighting the late leader’s revolutionary career and contributions, NA Chairman Vương Đình Huệ stressed that with 78 years of age and more than 60 years of revolutionary activities, Đạo devoted his entire life to the revolution of the Party and people.

He was a typical example for President Hồ Chí Minh’s thought on the great solidarity and also a moral and talented leader of the Party, State, and people, Huệ said.

Marking the foundation of Từ Sơn City, the Chairman said Từ Sơn Town of Bắc Ninh Province had been developing strongly in multiple aspects in recent years.

To create an impulse for the development of both Từ Sơn and Bắc Ninh so that this province can become a centrally run city in the near future, the NA Standing Committee issued a resolution on the establishment of Từ Sơn City in Bắc Ninh Province on September 22 this year.

At the ceremony, the NA leader presented the resolution, which took effect on November 1, to local officials. — VNS

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